Red and infra red light therapy actually works very simply, plug in, light on, done! Explanation about how our super complex body works is something different!

The Xpoboost light therapy module emits red and almost infra red light to which our body responds biologically positively.

This effect is called photobiomodulation. Photobiomodulation is nothing new, the sunlight also causes photobiomodulation, and also contains this light spectrum of red and infra red. Take a good look at the rising and setting of the sun, that is not only beautiful, but also super healthy for our body! 🙂 Unfortunately, few people see this light often enough, while on vacation it may be more common, but how often is that ?! We need more sun! So outside !!!

Just look at MS (multiple sclerosis), for example, this disease is more common in people who grow up and live in our region, than for example in people who live closer to the equator and get more sun. Coincidence?

The effect of light on the body is a natural biological process that naturally comes from the sun. The sun contains many kinds of colors / wavelengths of light during the day, all of which give a positive response to our body if well proportioned.

For example, during the day there is approximately 40% infra red light, but other colors are also important for the production of hormones. The hormones must be in balance to ensure that all hundreds of chemical processes in our body run smoothly. Unfortunately, we see little sunlight in this busy society and we are inside too much, which means that “positive” light is lacking and therefore also hormones / vitamins.

But how does it work now? Explanation about our complex body requires some patience and interest, but who doesn’t care about good health ?! Below some explanation;

By combining the specific red and infra red light rays on our body, the cells absorb the light / photons (= energy).

There are many things in our cells such as up to 2000 pieces of Mitochodria, Enzymes, yeast cells, etc. The mitochondria in the cells are the “energy power plants” (such as an engine in a car) of the cells. It produces Adenosine triphosphate, or “ATP,” which uses every cell as energy (like gasoline in an engine). ATP is what all (top) athletes want !!

Through the light, the mitochondria can absorb more oxygen and these mitochondria produce more ATP (through better combustion of food) than normal, giving the cells more available energy.

More energy available for the cells of your body means that the cells communicate optimally: all body processes can work faster and more efficiently, so that the immune system / your self-healing capacity is strengthened; faster wound healing and faster muscle recovery, later occurrence of acidification of muscles, inhibiting inflammation.

But also: improved hair growth, carpal tunnel syndrome relief, psoriasis reduction, increased collagen production, cold sore prevention, decreased arthritis pain and stiffness, improved joint health, anti-depression, decreased PTSD complaints, reduced swelling and inflammation and other benefits are due to increased ATP production within the mitochondria of your cells.
If our body gets enough good and healthy food, that process works optimally. Even damaged cells can then recover. How is that possible? So we are talking about improving the basis of our body, the smallest cells!

To return to the car and the engine, if a car gets too little or too much (or wrong) fuel or oxygen, or the ignition does not occur at the right time, it will not be able to perform optimally, and so it is with our body too, but many, many times more complex.

See a link “” to more than 4000 referencing studies!

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Do you already know how important healthy food is for our body?

Consider the following: Of all the energy that our body uses up, only about one third comes directly from our (material) food, our food. 2 thirds of all energy in our body comes from LIGHT!

You can best compare photobiomodulation / sunlight / light therapy with photosynthesis in case of plants, without the sunlight the plants cannot grow and recover.

It is the same with people, sunlight ensures the production of important vitamins. Not only through the skin, our largest organ, but also through our (closed or not) eyes. The advantage of photo biomodulation with Xpoboost is that there are no harmful UV rays in the spectrum, only the red and almost infra red rays that cause positive reactions.

In addition: Eating is one of the most important elements to increase your mass. What we consider to be good healthy food is processed sunlight. Plants combine carbon, hydrogen and oxygen with their photosynthesis and bind them to sunlight, forming the CHO molecule (fat) that we consume through food and burn it for energy.

However, the actual energy comes from releasing the photons / light between the chemical bond. That is what produces heat. That is what gives calories, which are stored photons. We eat sunlight for energy!

Fruit, vegetables, meat; everything we eat has consumed the CHO (carbohydrate) molecules that the plants have created. The energy that we consume through our food is actually the same energy – either; sunlight – which the plants used to forge these elements together.

Xpoboost is light therapy with LED light: not heating like a laser or as a long wave infra red.

To help you get rid of (“interesting”) names, we’ve put together a list of names how light therapy is called:

LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy), Cold Laser, Soft laser, Photobiomodulation (PBM), Photon therapy, photobiomodulation, Bio light therapy, PDT therapy (Photo dynamic therapy), Chromotherapy, bio-photon therapy; all different names for a form of: Light therapy

Laser light therapy (heating) is used in various ways by, among others, doctors, dentists, physiotherapists and other medical professionals. Because Laser has a heating effect, and can be harmful to our eyes, it is a device that is not always suitable for consumers.

Light therapy with LED light is most commonly used for tissue repair, pain relief and combating inflammatory responses.

Interesting facts:
* Because the mitochondria are not in the nucleus but only in the cytoplasm of the cell, the mitochondrial DNA is only inherited on the mother’s side. After all, a fertilized egg contains only mitochondria from the mother’s cytoplasm. The mitochondria of the father are broken down in the egg and the maternal mitochondria are transferred unchanged to successive generations. This therefore explains a female inheritance line of traits by a family and this maternal track can thus be used for research into the past.

* A mitochondrion [1] or mitochondrium [1] (plural mitochondria [1] or mitochondria) is a bean or spherical cell organelle that functions as an energy converter for the eukaryotic cell. A mitochondrion has a diameter of approximately 1 micron.

What our customers say about using the Xpoboost:
(Also view our customers’ comments!)

* Reduce complaints of allergies, skin improvement, dust mites
* Improve metabolism (better intake of food, help with weight loss and
gain weight)
* To reduce pain chronically and acutely
* Ulcerative Collitis, Crohn and PSC complaints decrease
* Faster growth / healing with bone fractures and tissues
* Reduce Inflammation
* Improve sugar and cholesterol levels
* Faster wound healing, also with sugar disease
* Skin improvement
* Joint and muscle pain reduction
* Less acidification in muscles
* Reduce hernia / back pain
* Vitamin D preparation
* Faster healing bands / ligaments / tendons
* Improve blood flow
* Faster healing whiplash / whip stroke
* Improve hair growth (in normally hairy locations)
* Reduce head / neck / shoulder complaints
* Reduce lung problems after pneumonia
* Bruises / wounds heal faster
* Fibromyalgia complaints decrease
* Mental problems such as reducing burnout / depression (more meaning
in life and more energy)

Extensive information: Biology, technical, medical

Pain is the most common reason for consultation by doctors. Currently accepted therapies consist of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injections, opiate pain drugs and surgery, each of which carries their own specific risk profiles. What is needed are effective pain treatments with an acceptably low risk profile. For more than forty years, low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) and LED (light-emitting diode) (also known as photobiomodulation) therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation and edema, induce analgesia and promote healing in a range of musculoskeletal pathologies.
The purpose of this article is to use LLLT for pain, the biochemical mechanisms of action, dose-response curves, and how LLLT can be used by orthopedic surgeons to improve outcomes and reduce side effects.
With the predicted epidemic of chronic pain in developed countries, it is necessary to validate cost-effective and safe techniques for managing painful conditions that allow people to lead an active and productive life. A new, cost-effective therapy for pain can improve the quality of life while reducing financial tensions.
Musculoskeletal pain alone affects hundreds of millions of people annually with a cost of many hundreds of billions a year in medical bills, lost productivity, and missed work or school.
All therapeutic treatments have their advantages, but also have various side effects, risks and / or complications. Current treatment for musculoskeletal pain includes modalities, immobilisation, medication, chiropractic care, physical therapy, behavioral management, injections and / or surgery.
These standard therapies have their specific associated risks / side effects profiles, including stomach ulcers / bleeding, systemic effects (cardiovascular), infections (including epidural abscess), narcotic dependence / addiction, malformations, neurological deficits and surgical complications. The natural history of chronic pain is one of increasing dysfunction, disorder and possible disability.

The definition of pain by the “International Association for the Study of Pain” states: “Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.
Withdrawing the painful stimulus usually resolves the pain quickly. However, sometimes the pain persists despite the removal of the stimulus and even after healing of the body.
Pain can also occur if there is no stimulus, illness or injury. Acute pain is considered to last for less than thirty days, while chronic pain lasts longer than six months or as “pain that lasts longer than the expected healing period”
There are three different types of pain; nociceptive, neuropathic and central. Current medical treatment for pain or analgesics focuses on different steps of the pain paths. Clinically speaking, low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can treat nociceptive and neuropathic pain, while central pain is not yet proven to respond to LLLT.

What is LLLT?
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also known as Low Level Light Therapy or Photobiomodulation (PBM), is a light therapy with low intensity. The effect is photochemical and not thermal. The light triggers biochemical changes in cells and can be compared to the process of photosynthesis in plants, where the photons are absorbed by cellular photoreceptors and chemical changes are caused.

History of LLLT
In 1903 Dr. Nils Finsen received a Nobel Prize for his contribution to the treatment of diseases, in particular lupus vulgaris, with concentrated light radiation. In 1960, Professor Maiman TH built the first working red ruby ​​laser, but it took until 1967 when Mester E et al. was able to address the phenomenon of “laser bio-stimulation” ,
In 1999, Whelan H et al. presented his work on the medical applications of light emitting diodes (LED) for use on the NASA space station. Subsequently, more than 400 Phase III randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies were published, with more than 4000 laboratory studies for LLLT. ( source:

A laser is a device that generates light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. There are four main classes of lasers as defined by the International Engineering Consortium (IEC standard 60825.) These classes indicate that there is a potential risk of radiation coming into the eye. Xpoboost Led modules do not damage eyes and you do not have to wear protective glasses, closing your eyes is enough.
LLLT is the application of light (typically a low power laser or LED typical power range of (10 mW-500 mW) Light with a wavelength in the red to near-infrared region of the spectrum (660nm-905nm), is generally used because these wavelengths have the ability to penetrate skin and soft / hard tissues and it has been proven in clinical studies that they have a good effect on pain, inflammation and tissue repair.The power density (irradiance) is usually between 5W / cm2 and is applied to an injury or painful area for a few weeks a few weeks a week for 30-60 seconds The result is a reduction in inflammation, pain relief and accelerated tissue regeneration In most cases, the lasers / LEDs used for LLLT emit a divergent from radius (not focused or collimated) because collimation is lost in the tissue, but as a result ocular risks are also reduced o far away.
For visible light or near-infrared light to have an effect on a biological system, the photon must be absorbed by electronic absorption bands belonging to a photon acceptor or chromophore (first law of photobiology).

A chromophore, is a molecule (or part of a molecule) that imparts a color to a compound (e.g., chlorophyll, hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochrome c-oxidase, other cytochromes, flavin, flavoproteins, or porphyrins). The “optical window” in a tissue describes a range of wavelengths where the penetration of light into tissue is maximized by using red and near-infrared wavelengths. The optimum wavelength is estimated at approximately 810 nm. Mitochondria are “the cellular power plants” in our cells and as such they convert food molecules and oxygen into energy (ATP) through oxidative phosphorylation. Cytochrome c-oxidase (COX) has been proposed as the primary photo acceptor for the red NIR wavelength range in mammalian cells. Nitric oxide (NO) produced in mitochondria can inhibit respiration by binding to COX and displacing oxygen, especially in wounded or hypoxic cells It is proposed that LLLT can dissociate NO photo-dissociation of COX and reverse the mitochondrial inhibition of respiration due to excessive NO binding. The process of light-mediated vasodilation was first described by RF Furchgottin 1968, and his research into the biological properties of nitric oxide eventually led to the award of a Nobel Prize in 1998. LLLT can produce a shift in total cell redox potential toward greater oxidation by increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reducing reactive nitrogen species (RNS).

The long-term effects of LLLT are probably caused by the activation of various transcription factors by the immediate chemical signal molecules that result from mitochondrial stimulation by LLLT. The most important of these signal molecules are ATP, cyclic AMP, NO and ROS.

Low-dose LLLT has been shown to improve cell proliferation of fibroblasts [31-34], keratinocytes [35], endothelial cells [36] and lymphocytes [37,38]. The mechanism of proliferation is thought to be due to photo stimulation of the mitochondria, leading to activation of signal pathways and to regulation of transcription factors that ultimately give rise to growth factors [31,39-42].

LLLT can improve neovascularization, promote angiogenesis and increase collagen synthesis to aid in the healing of acute and chronic wounds. In many studies, LLLT has been shown to have a biphasic dose-response curve, with lower light targets being more effective than much higher doses. These low doses of light have demonstrated the ability to heal skin, nerves, tendons, cartilage and bones. This biphasic dose-response curve can have important implications for LLLT for pain relief for the following reasons. Low-intensity LLLT stimulates mitochondria and increases mitochondrial membrane potential and it is believed that it is more likely to increase rather than lower the metabolism and transport of action potentials in neurons. However, much higher-intensity LLLT produced by a focused laser spot that acts on a nerve has the opposite effect, inhibits mitochondrial metabolism in c-fibers and a-delta fibers, and reduces mitochondrial membrane potential, inducing a nerve block.

LLLT in the treatment of pain
Acute orthopedic conditions such as sprains, strains, postoperative pain, whiplash injury, muscle pain, cervical or lumbar radiculopathy , tendonitis and chronic conditions such as arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, frozen shoulder, neck and back pain, epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinopathy, fibromyalgia , plantar fasciitis, post-tibial fracture surgery and chronic regional pain syndrome are susceptible to LLLT. Dental conditions that cause pain, such as orthodontic procedures, dentin hypersensitivity and third molar surgery respond well to treatment with LLLT. Neuropathic pain conditions can also be treated, such as postherpetic neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia and diabetic neuropathy . Because of the wide spectrum of circumstances you could assume that multiple mechanisms can work to achieve pain relief.

The peripheral nerve endings of nociceptors, consisting of the thinly myelinated A∂ and non-myelinated, slowly conducting C fibers, are located in the epidermis. This complex network transmits harmful incentives to action potentials. In addition, these nerve endings are very superficial in nature and are therefore easily within the penetration depths of the wavelengths used in LLLT . The cell bodies of neurons lie in the ganglion of the dorsal nerve root, but the elongated cytoplasm (axons) of the neurons extends from the cell body to the naked nerve endings in the surface of the skin. The direct effect of LLLT is initially at the epidermal neural network level, but the effects pass to nerves in subcutaneous tissues, sympathetic ganglia and the neuromuscular connections in muscles and nerve strains.

LLLT applied with a sufficient intensity level causes an inhibition of action potentials with approximately 30% neural blockage within 10 to 20 minutes after application, and reversed within approximately 24 hours. The laser application to a peripheral nerve has a cascade effect that causes suppressed synaptic activity in second-order neurons, so that cortical areas of the pain matrix would not be activated.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), is the source of energy for all cells, and in neurons this ATP is synthesized by mitochondria while in the ganglion of the dorsal root. These mitochondria are then transported along the cytoskeleton of the nerve through a monorail system of molecular motors. LLLT acts as an anesthetic because both LLLT and anesthetics have been shown to temporarily disrupt the cytoskeleton for several hours, as evidenced by the formation of reversible varicosities or beads along the axons, which in turn cause mitochondria to accumulate where the cytoskeleton is disturbed. The exact mechanism for this effect is unknown, but it is not a thermal action. LLLT has been shown to decrease mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) in DRG neurons at the right dose and to subsequently reduce ATP production, so perhaps the lack of ATP may be the cause of this neural blockage. The most direct effect of nociceptor blockade is pain relief that occurs in a few minutes and is demonstrated by the timed onset of a conduction blockade in somatosensory induced potentials (SSEPs). This inhibition of peripheral sensitization not only lowers the activation threshold of nerves but also reduces the release of pro-inflammatory neuropeptides (i.e. substance P and CGRP). With persistent pain disorders, this reduction in tonic input to activated nociceptors and their synaptic connections leads to a long-term down-regulation of second-order neurons. The modulation of neurotransmitters is a further possible mechanism of pain relief, since serotonin and endorphin levels have been shown to increase in animal models and after laser treatment of myofascial pain in patients. LLLT can thus have effects in the short, medium and long term. Fast-acting pain relief occurs within a few minutes after administration, resulting from a neural blockage of the peripheral and sympathetic nerves and the release of neuromuscular contractions that lead to a reduction in muscle spasms.

For LLLT to be effective, the irradiation parameters (wavelength, power, power density, pulse parameters, energy density, total energy and time) must be within certain ranges. The best penetrating wavelengths in the range of 760-850 nm and can reach a light density of 5 mW / cm 2 at 5 cm deep when the beam power is 1 watt and the surface density is 5 W / cm 2. There are four clinical goals for LLLT:

The place of injury to promote healing, remodeling and inflammation.

Lymph nodes to reduce edema and inflammation.

Nerves to cause analgesia.

Trigger points reduce softness and relax the contracted muscle fibers.

Treatment times per point are in the range of 30 seconds to 1 minute. As few as one point can be treated in simple cases, but as many as 10 to 15 points can be treated for more complex dysfunction such as cervical or lumbar radiculopathy.

Eyes – Do not point laser beams in the eyes and all persons present must wear suitable safety glasses.

Cancer – do not treat the site of any known primary carcinoma or secondary metastasis unless the patient is undergoing chemotherapy when LLLT can be used to reduce side effects such as mucositis.
However, LLLT can be considered in terminally ill cancer patients for palliative relief. Pregnancy – Do not treat the fetus immediately.

Epileptic – Keep in mind that low-frequency pulsed visible light (& lt; 30Hz) can cause an attack in light-sensitive, epileptic patients.
It has been reported that the adverse effects of LLLT not differ from those reported by patients exposed to placebo devices in studies.

More than 4000 studies;

According to more than 4000 studies on, it can be concluded that the majority of laboratory and clinical studies have shown that LLLT has a positive effect on acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Due to the heterogeneity of populations, interventions and comparison groups, this diversity means that each individual study has not been positive. Pain is a very complex disorder that presents itself in various forms with an interplay of mechanical, biochemical, psychological and socio-economic factors. Comparing LLLT with other treatments is extremely challenging, and LLLT regimens are complicated by different treatment lengths, all without standardization of wavelengths and dosages. At present there have been no long-term studies (longer than 2 years of follow-up) of clinical studies in people who have evaluated LLLT. The overall positive short-term clinical studies in addition to strong laboratory tests should provide clinical confidence that LLLT can be beneficial for many people suffering from musculoskeletal pain, regardless of the cause. Research into evidence-based treatment studies for LLLT has led to the conclusion that LLLT is classified as experimental / research by insurance companies (BCBSKS 2013), while the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has no recommendations for or against its use. With the FDA approval for temporary relief of muscle and joint pain, this underlines the need for further well-designed clinical trials.